Are you selling yourself short?

At the December 10th Entrepreneurship 101 lecture, speakers Teresa Snelgrove (of Boyden) and Fred Sweeney (of VenGrowth) discussed effective ways to manage your career.

As scientists and engineers we often think of selling our skills to fill slots in existing companies; we don’t often enough think of selling ourselves to investors, along with an idea that we want backed. Make no mistake – investment decisions are made primarily on the strength of the individuals on a team, less so on the promise of the technology. The world will not beat a path to your door, no matter how good your product is – you have to execute a plan to earn a place in the business world.

If you follow the entrepreneurial path, and you are not selling your skills at running gel plates or writing code, what do you think you are selling? Is it leadership, broad technical expertise, financial acumen? I’m interested in what you think you need to bring to your venture!
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Managing Your Career: How to sell yourself and attain your career goals
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